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Timeline Creation - Expert
Timeline Creation - Expert

Creating your first timeline? Follow these steps

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Written by AEvent
Updated over a week ago

Creating Your First Timeline

With our Timeline Wizard, when in Expert Mode, we cut to the chase.

As your first step, Navigate to Timelines, and click on Create Timeline.

Select whether the Timeline type that you want to build is an Evergreen or a Live Event.

Define your Timeline Name and Timeline Description.

Next, select the Delivery Platform you plan to use and click Create.

After your Timeline has been created, it is time to configure and define the different settings within your Timeline.

(Setup Required

Event Info holds the main details about your Event. From the Title and Description of the Event itself to the type of Automation, as well as Video selection and Presenter Details.

Event Details - (Setup Required), Define your Event Title and Description here.

(If using Zoom or GoToWebinar, this is utilized when scheduling the Event with the platform. If using AStream, your Title and Description are displayed in your Pre-Webinar Countdown Room above a countdown timer. )

Event Automation - (Setup Required), Define the level of Automation desired here, as well as your Video selection.

Countdown Room - (Setup Optional), AEvent will start up your Event several minutes prior to the scheduled start time. This occurs regardless and by default. If you want to customize what is set up here, we recommend reading the tutorial. Unless you plan to customize this option, leave it unselected.

โ€‹Stream Viewer & Presenter Information - (Setup Recommended), AStream users utilize the tutorials to define both your Presenter Information (see image below) as well as the Streaming Viewer Experience your Attendee has.)

(Setup Required)

It's now time to activate and customize your integration's individual settings within your new Timeline.

Each Integration has different options when set as Active. Within our Integration Tutorial List, we walk you through step-by-step for every Integration we support.

(access their settings by clicking on the cogwheel)

Find the Integration you're working with, then review the 'Configuring your (INTEGRATION NAME) Integration within a Timeline' and complete those setup steps.

This can involve selecting the List or Campaign you want your Registrant added to. Or the SMS or WhatsApp message you want to send on registration.

(Setup Optional)

Within the Registration section of your timeline, you can select the different types of registration options, the different values captured at the time of registration, as well as the type of Registration Form you want to use.

Registration Options - (Setup Optional), Select the registration options you want to offer to your site visitors, as well as the type of form integration on your Registration Page.

Registration Form Fields - (Setup Optional), Want to have custom form fields on your Registration form? Want to capture an affiliate ID or UTM parameter? You can set that up using this tool.

(Setup Recommended)

Advanced has several different options; some we recommend, but most are optional.

Page URLs - (Setup Recommended), Define your Confirmation / Thank-You Page URL, as well as your 'Expired URL'. If you do not define any URLs here, AEvent will show a generic page in your funnel.

Replay Sequence - (Setup Optional), AEvent has a built-in Replay system. Keep your pages and campaigns evergreen with true self-expiring links.

Scheduling Options - (Setup Optional), Want to block out pre-webinar registration options? Start the Video Before or After the scheduled start time?

Page and Link Behavior - (Setup Optional), Want to fine-tune the evolving link and page experience for your timeline?

Language Support - (Setup Optional), Presenting in another language? English is the default, but platform-wide, we support any language and locale imaginable!

Domain Selection - (Setup Optional), Want to set up a custom CNAME domain for further branding?

Registration Page Whitelist - (Setup Optional): Use our built-in ability to limit the origin of your leads' registration. Lock down your Registration Flow.

Co-Organizer / Alt-Host / Panelist - (Setup Optional), Need to add a Co-Organizer, Alternative Host, or Panelist to your GoToWebinar or Zoom Event?

Support Canned Responses - (Setup Optional), AStream support saving your most commonly asked questions, so you or your support team can use those to reply to your Attendee's live messages. (Through YOUR AEvent Support Portal OR our native Slack integration)

On Event Join Welcome Message - (Setup Optional), AStream supports sending your attendees a message at a timed value AFTER they join your Event, regardless of how far into the presentation it is when they join your Event.

Import Auto Chat Messages - (Setup Optional), Have a list of Chat Messages that you want to send to your Audience at set times? our AStream Delivery Platform supports this.

(Setup Optional)

AEvent will customize the default audience created based on the Delivery Platform being used within your Timeline and the Template selected when the timeline was created.

Generally, a Timeline will have a Registrant, Attendee, and Non-Attendee default audience created. Review our tutorials in the link above to learn more about our Audience Segmentation system and its fine-tuning abilities to create a finely-segmented audience, to do simple stuff, like add a tracking tag in your CRM, to complex stuff like sending a dynamic picture message, speaking to that lead exactly where they're at.

(Setup Bypass)

You just selected your Template using our Timeline Creation Wizard. In the future, if you want to change or add to your current timeline, you can do so by selecting a new template here.

(Setup Required)

AEvent integrates with any page builder or style of <HTML> Code. We have in-depth tutorials for common page builders with the most dynamic options you could imagine. All our tutorials covering common Page Builders and setting up our support dynamic options can be found by clicking the button below.

(Setup Bypass)

Your Timeline is brand new, so there won't be anything listed here yet. But as you save your timeline, revisions will be accessible here should you mess up and need to restore a previous save!

(Setup Required)

When creating a new Timeline, based upon the Event Type, Template Type, and Integrations selected, a LOT or a small number of new actions were created within our Timeline Actions Builder.

Our system automatically creates actions surrounding best practices and SOP recommendations. Most, if not ALL, of these actions have simple place-holders that need to be customized to work with your Integration, your Presentation, Your Event, and your Message.

The actions that need your assistance will be displayed on your Timeline circled in red.

Based on the email service you are using, we've created Add-Tag or Add to Workflow/Campaigns. These need to be linked up to Campaigns within your CRM/ESP.

Your SMS / MMS or WhatsApp messages are created, but they are generic and need to be turned into "your voice."

Every integration you've chosen to use within your Timeline clearly defines within its Tutorial Series, how to set up Timeline Actions. How to define these settings, and complete any needed tasks within the Integration Platform App, so everything will operate as if they're built to!

Completing your timeline actions is the final step in your Timeline Creation. Next, Scheduling!

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