Using AStream
Event Automation - With our AStream implementation of an AEvent campaign, you have a number of different options with your video selection. Below, we will review those options in detail.
Main Video File - Select your main video file if NOT using Dynamic Video Creator.
Append Intro / Outro - If you would like to seamlessly play one video (an introduction) into your main video, you can do so without any video editing needed! (This works the same with an Outro or using both).
Dynamic Video Creator - Essentially, this is a playlist. You can select up to 10 different videos, and as long as the last frame of a video matches the first frame of the next, the transition is seamless. No more video editing to split test an angle / hook / or transition!
(Note: When you enable Dynamic Video Creator, both Main video and Append Intro / Close are automatically disabled; it's an either/or type of thing).
Update ESP/CRM Custom Fields - When enabled, your ESP/CRM Custom fields will update everytime the event starts/runs.
This will ensure that the dynamic fields will stay up to date.
Secondary Video - Using a secondary video with AStream further enhances the like-live experience by integrating 2 separate videos playing simultaneously.
The secondary video is presented in the upper right-hand corner, similar to a Live-Webinar. In which the Presenter is sharing both their Webcam as well as their slide presentation (taking the Main Focus).
When this feature is activated, by default, your audio will still come from the Main Video. However, as an SOP, we recommend that audio from the main video is disabled and only the audio track from the secondary video plays (Always keeping your presentation in perfect sync). To make this change, click on 'Stream Viewer Settings' and scroll down to Audio.
Closed Captions - You can upload a .srt file to your account, and you'll be able to select it as a closed caption by turning on this option:
AStream will then display the closed caption and your viewers will have the option to turn it on and off. You can also select multiple files and the viewers will have the option to switch between the two.
Registration Visibility - When more than a single Event is added to a Campaign, Registration Visibility becomes visible per/event. By default, it is enabled. However, you'll likely want to hide some/all of the events other than the "Main Event," in which case you can disable registration visibility.
Using GoToWebinar
Event Automation - With our GoToWebinar implementation of an AEvent campaign, you have a number of different options for the automation level of your event as well as the video selection. Below, we will review those options in detail.
Event Automation (Presentation)
Automatic - When selecting automatic, this will fully automate your GoToWebinar event. Our automations will sign into your GoToWebinar account prior to the start of your webinar and share the screen/video as if you are presenting live. Neither you nor your team need to do anything to make this happen (Although we do recommend as an SOP to have live support personnel on the call).
Semi-Automatic - Same setup as with Automatic, however there is the additional option for Manual Control. Once you define the manual control time, this tells AEvent to play the video to its extent, HOLDING the last frame of the video for X Minutes.
This feature is widely used to play the content portion of a webinar and allow the presenter to come on live, perform a live close, Q&A session, etc.
It is CRITICAL this value for Manual Control is not left at 0 Minutes. If it is, the webinar will end at the end of the video/s selected.
Manual - Just like it sounds, you log in to your GoToWebinar account, and you perform your presentation live. AEvent automates all the Timeline Actions while allowing you to focus on what you do best!
When defining the Webinar Length here, ALWAYS overshoot. This value tells AEvent when to assume the presentation is over, and to download the attendance list from GoToWebinar.
If you have selected either Automatic or Semi-Automatic, you have a few options when it comes to selecting the video/s that will be played by our Automations for your Event.
Main Video File - Select your main video file if NOT using Dynamic Video Creator.
Append Intro / Outro - If you would like to seamlessly play one video (an introduction) into your main video, you can do so without any video editing needed! (This works the same with an Outro or using both).
Dynamic Video Creator - Essentially, this is a playlist. You can select up to 10 different videos, and as long as the last frame of a video matches the first frame of the next, the transition is seamless. No more video editing to split test an angle / hook / or transition!
(Note: When you enable Dynamic Video Creator, both Main video and Append Intro / Close are automatically disabled; it's an either/or type of thing).
Registration Visibility - When more than a single Event is added to a Campaign, Registration Visibility becomes visible per/event. By default, it is enabled. However, you'll likely want to hide some/all of the events other than the "Main Event," in which case you can disable registration visibility.
Using Zoom
Event Automation - With our Zoom implementation of an AEvent campaign, you have a number of different options for the automation level of your event as well as the video selection. Below, we will review those options in detail.
Event Automation (Presentation)
Automatic - When selecting automatic, this will fully automate your Zoom event. Our automations will sign into your Zoom account prior to the start of your webinar and share the screen/video as if you are presenting live. Neither you nor your team need to do anything to make this happen (Although we do recommend as an SOP to have live support personnel on the call).
Semi-Automatic - Same setup as with Automatic, however there is the additional option for Manual Control. Once you define the manual control time, this tells AEvent to play the video to its extent, HOLDING the last frame of the video for X Minutes.
This feature is widely used to play the content portion of a webinar and allow the presenter to come on live, to perform a live close, Q&A session, etc.
It is CRITICAL this value for Manual Control is not left at 0 Minutes. If it is, the webinar will end at the end of the video/s selected.
Manual - Just like it sounds, you log in to your Zoom account, and you perform your presentation live. AEvent automates all the Timeline Actions while allowing you to focus on what you do best!
When defining the Webinar Length here, ALWAYS overshoot. This value tells AEvent when to assume the presentation is over, and to download the attendance list from Zoom.
If you have selected either Automatic or Semi-Automatic, you have a few options when it comes to selecting the video/s that will be played by our Automations for your Event.
Main Video File - Select your main video file if NOT using Dynamic Video Creator.
Append Intro / Outro - If you would like to seamlessly play one video (an introduction) into your main video, you can do so without any video editing needed! (This works the same with an Outro or using both).
Dynamic Video Creator - Essentially, this is a playlist. You can select up to 10 different videos, and as long as the last frame of a video matches the first frame of the next, the transition is seamless. No more video editing to split test an angle / hook / or transition!
(Note: When you enable Dynamic Video Creator, both Main video and Append Intro / Close are automatically disabled; it's an either/or type of thing)
Registration Visibility - When more than a single Event is added to a Campaign, Registration Visibility becomes visible per/event. By default, it is enabled. However, you'll likely want to hide some/all of the events other than the "Main Event," in which case you can disable registration visibility.
Using Obvio
Event Automation—With our Obvio implementation of an AEvent campaign, you have several different options regarding the Automation level of your event and the video selection. Below, we will review those options in detail.
Event Automation (Presentation)
Automatic - When selecting automatic, this will fully automate your Obvio / Zoom event. Our automations will sign into the intended Zoom Room prior to the start of your webinar and share the screen/video as if you are presenting live. You nor your team need to do anything to make this happen (Although we do recommend as an SOP to have live support personnel on the call)
Semi-Automatic - Same setup as with Automatic, however there is the additional option for Manual Control. Once you define the manual control time, this tells AEvent to play the video to its extent, HOLDING the last frame of the video for X Minutes.
This feature is widely used to play the content portion of a webinar and allow the presenter to come on live, perform a live close, Q&A session, etc.
It is CRITICAL this value for Manual Control is not left at 0 Minutes. If it is, the webinar will end at the end of the video/s selected.
Manual - Just like it sounds, you log in to Obvio to host the Event. You perform your presentation live. AEvent automates all the Timeline Actions while allowing you to focus on what you do best!
When defining the Webinar Length here, ALWAYS overshoot. This value tells AEvent when to assume the presentation is over, and to download the attendance list from Zoom.
If you have selected either Automatic or Semi-Automatic, you have a few options when it comes to selecting the video/s that will be played by our Automations for your Event.
Main Video File - Select your main video file if NOT using Dynamic Video Creator.
Append Intro / Outro - If you would like to seamlessly play one video (an introduction) into your main video, you can do so without any video editing needed! (This works the same with an Outro or using both).
Dynamic Video Creator - Essentially, this is a playlist. You can select up to 10 different videos, and as long as the last frame of a video matches the first frame of the next, the transition is seamless. No more video editing to split test an angle / hook / or transition!
(Note: When you enable Dynamic Video Creator, both Main video and Append Intro / Close are automatically disabled; it's an either/or type of thing).
Registration Visibility - When more than a single Event is added to a Campaign, Registration Visibility becomes visible per/event. By default, it is enabled. However, you'll likely want to hide some/all of the events other than the "Main Event," in which case you can disable registration visibility.