You can set up your AStream Campaign to automatically send an on-join or a delayed on-join message to your Live Attendees.
Use case here is to welcome someone to your Event a minute or two after joining; perhaps it's to engage or incite some response from them 10 or 15 minutes into their viewing of your presentation.
There can be an unlimited amount of these messages set to be sent. As a Best Practice, we recommend using this to initially engage with your Attendees when they join. However, since this is sent at a time in relation to when they join, it is impossible to use this chat to target precise times in your Presentation.
To do that you would use our Timeline Action, 'Live Chat to Audience'.
To review a tutorial on how to setup an action to send a message at an exact minute within the presentation, please review 'Creating a Timeline Action to send an Automatic Chat MSG to Attendees'