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Scheduling a Zoom Event
Scheduling a Zoom Event

Ready to schedule your first Zoom event?

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Written by AEvent
Updated over 2 months ago

Click HERE for a video tutorial: Scheduling Mastery

AEvent facilitates the entire scheduling process with Zoom. Whether you are scheduling a One-Time Event or a Recurring Event, all tasks can be completed with our APP, accelerating the scheduling process.

This includes adding any Co-Hosts or Panelists to the Event scheduled, defining the email / template settings, setting up the event itself, and any other granular details.

Below, you will find the different scheduling options based on what you are scheduling and the frequency/rate at which you want it to run.

Scheduling a One-Time Zoom Event

If you are scheduling an Event using a Zoom Campaign, first you'll need to click on 'Schedule An Event'.

Then, within the Scheduler, select the Campaign you are scheduling.

When you select a Zoom-based Campaign, a Delivery Application option appears. Here, you can select whether you want to schedule a Zoom Meeting or a Zoom Webinar.

Next, since this is a One Time event, leave the Type selector as is. (Learn about scheduling a Recurring Zoom Campaign using the Recurring Tutorial below!)

Then select the planned Date and Time of your Zoom Event. (If this is a Multi-Event Campaign, please refer to our scheduling guide below).

(Every AEvent Account has a Time zone defined. By default, every new account is set up in EST/NYC Time zone. This setting can be changed by navigating to your Account Settings.)

After you've made all of your selections, click on the Schedule Event button in the lower right-hand corner.

Once AEvent has communicated your scheduled Event to Zoom's API Servers, you will see your newly scheduled Event under 'Upcoming.'

Scheduling a Recurring Zoom Event

If you are scheduling an Event using a Zoom Campaign, first, you'll need to click on 'Schedule An Event.'

Within the Scheduler, select the Campaign you are scheduling.

When you select a Zoom-based Campaign, a Delivery Application option appears. Here, you can select whether you want to schedule a Zoom Meeting or a Zoom Webinar.

Since you want this event to be a Recurring Event, slide the Type selector to Recurring.

Select the planned Start Date and Start Time of your Zoom Event, and click on Schedule.

(Every AEvent Account has a Time zone defined. By default, every new account is set up in EST/NYC Time zone. This setting can be changed by navigating to your Account Settings.)

Select the repetition mode in which you would like this Campaign to be scheduled. With a Zoom Campaign, this can be either Daily or Weekly.

If you've selected Weekly, select the day/s of the week in which you wish this to occur (can be more than 1). You can also select this to occur at an Every X interval. (So you could choose, say, every other Tuesday).

HELPFUL HINT: Want to schedule this Campaign to run more than once a day? Or maybe twice a week, but at different times? Complete this tutorial, then rinse/repeat for the other time of day you would like this to run!

There is also an additional option of Expiration. Although not a requirement, if you wish this schedule to expire on a set Date or after a set amount of runs, you can schedule so here.

After you've made all of your selections, click on the Schedule Event button in the lower right-hand corner.

Once AEvent has communicated your scheduled Event to Zoom's API Servers, you will see your newly scheduled Event under 'Upcoming.'

Scheduling a Multi-Event Zoom Campaign

If you are scheduling a Campaign that has been built out as a Multi-Event (more than one Event is built into the Campaign), then the steps are fairly similar to scheduling out a One-Time Event or a Recurring Event.

WITH one thing to keep in mind. When you are selecting the Date/Time you are selecting that for the "Main Event". With AEvent, your Main Event is static, and everything else you can build around it. So maybe your Main Event is the first day of your multi-event Campaign, or it is the final session.

To schedule, you'll first need to click on 'Schedule An Event.'

Then, within the Scheduler, select the Campaign you are scheduling.

When you select a Zoom-based Campaign, a Delivery Application option appears. Here, you can select whether you want to schedule a Zoom Meeting or a Zoom Webinar.

Next, you can schedule your Multi-Event Campaign to be scheduled as either a One Time event or a Recurring Event.

For a One-Time Event, follow the instructions below (For Recurring, scroll down)

Select the planned Date and Time of your Zoom Main Event.

(Every AEvent Account has a Time zone defined. By default, every new account is set up in EST/NYC Time zone. This setting can be changed by navigating to your Account Settings.)

For a Recurring Event, select the planned Start Date and Start Time of your Zoom Main Event.

(Every AEvent Account has a Time zone defined. By default, every new account is set up in EST/NYC Time zone. This setting can be changed by navigating to your Account Settings.)

Select the repetition mode in which you would like this Campaign to be scheduled. With a Zoom Campaign, this can be either Daily or Weekly.

If you've selected Weekly, select the day/s of the week in which you wish this to occur (can be more than 1). You can also select this to occur at an Every X interval. (So you could choose, say, every other Tuesday).

There is also an additional option of Expiration. Although not a requirement, if you wish this schedule to expire on a set Date or after a set amount of runs, you can schedule so here.

After you've made all of your selections, click on the Schedule Event button in the lower right-hand corner.

Be patient, Zoom takes a little longer, as AEvent is busy scheduling out all the Events that are within your Campaign.

Once AEvent has successfully communicated your scheduled Event to Zoom's API Servers, you will see your newly scheduled Event under 'Upcoming'.

Do note that all the events listed that are part of this Campaign will appear in the schedule.

Attach a Pre-Scheduled Zoom Event to a Campaign

AEvent supports attaching a Zoom Campaign to a Meeting or Webinar that has already been scheduled directly through Zoom.

There are 2 things to keep in mind when performing this;

#1, Anyone who has registered for the Zoom Event will NOT receive any notifications that are initiated by AEvent (AEvent isn't aware of this Registrant, and all Registrants need to go through AEvent for us to be aware of them.

#2, Although you can attach a campaign to a Recurring Zoom, AEvent doesn't support a recurring Zoom. Meaning when you attach to a pre-scheduled Zoom, it is a one-time attach.

Powerful Use Case: You have a weekly Zoom Call. You know 2 weeks from now you're not going to be available. Instead of canceling the call, AEvent can automate your presentation and play your pre-recorded video. OR what about the inevitable sickness? AEvent can help cover these situations when they arise using this feature.

To attach to your pre-scheduled Zoom Event, first you'll need to click on 'Schedule An Event'.

Within the Scheduler, select the Campaign you are scheduling.

When you select a Zoom-based Campaign, a Delivery Application option appears. Since this is a pre-scheduled event, you need to select the type that matches up to what we're attaching to.

Then click on the little clock next to Schedule

This will query the Zoom API, inquiring about all upcoming events that match the type selected. Select the Event you are attaching to, then select Attach Campaign.

After clicking on Attach Campaign, you'll be back on the main scheduler window.

Please review your settings to ensure everything is correct, then click on Schedule Event.

After you've made all of your selections, click on the Schedule Event button in the lower right-hand corner.

Once AEvent has communicated your scheduled Event to Zoom's API Servers, you will see your newly scheduled Event under 'Upcoming.'

If you want to attach another campaign to another pre-schedule Zoom event, you can do so. But do keep in mind that attaching to a Recurring Zoom does NOT mean it'll recur with AEvent. Every attached campaign to a pre-scheduled Event is handled as a One-Time Event.

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