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Read This First (Recommended Reading)
Read This First (Recommended Reading)

New to AEvent? Regardless of your plans or experience level, read this.

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Written by AEvent
Updated over a month ago

Click HERE for a video tutorial: First Time Login - Your Essential Starting Point

Welcome to AEvent!

There are a few high-level things we need to cover that will help accelerate your onboarding process with the platform, as well as ensure you are able to implement with ease.

AEvent and our Omni-Channel Integration Support

We realize the options that AEvent introduces to your Online Events can be a bit overwhelming, yet quite exciting.

It's our goal, through this tutorial series, documentation, and quick-support response time, to ensure you get the most out of the platform with the least amount of questions, issues, or problems.

Right now, you are likely asking yourself;

What to set up first?

What's best practice?

What yields the highest results?

If you want to learn more about AEvent's support of different event types, delivery platforms, integration options, and media possibilities, then check out the article below.

Below, we cover our initial Best Practices and SOPs.

✦ = AEvent Recommendation

Delivery Platforms

AStream ✦ - Run your automated Event, Challenge, Workshop, or Webinar with any recurring frequency, scheduling ability, and Campaign functionality using our own On-Demand platform.

Zoom ✦ - Utilize the top meeting and event platform in the world. Whether it be a Live Presentation or fully automated, we've got you covered!

GoToWebinar - One of the first Webinar platforms to hit the space, we can automate it just as we do with Zoom.

Obvio - AEvent helps take Obvio to the next level through Omni-Channel Intelligence and Full Event Automation.

AConversion - Wrap our Omni-Channel Intelligence and Campaign Technology around your VSL / Long Form Sales Letters / Post Opt-in Event to help increase your conversions.

Channel Types / Integration Options

SMS/MMS - WhatsApp - Google Calendar - SlyBroadcast - NiftyImages

Media Options

A picture is worth a million words, right? Utilizing photos & short video clips can help set your Event separate from the rest. AEvent supports several different integration / communication channels that support multimedia use. We 100% recommend utilizing 1 or more Integrations that utilize this medium.

SMS / MMS (Picture Messages) - As a Best Practice, we recommend using our native Twilio integration. BUT AEvent supports several different SMS/MMS platforms, enabling you to deliver SMS messaging to your audience at all the right times.

WhatsApp - WhatsApp is the #1 messaging platform worldwide. We support 2 different integrations to help automate your WhatsApp messaging flows.

Next Level: Combine AEvent + Messaging App + NiftyImages, and send out personalized dynamic images to your registrants, targeted personalized messages to your cart abandoners, and more.

Ringless Voicemail Recording - Depending on your target demographic, secretly delivering a Voicemail message without their phone ringing can have great success in getting across an audible message.

Google Calendar Integration - Regardless of Delivery Platform you are using, we recommend G'Cal to send out a reminder to your registrant's inbox.

How our Help Center & Support Works

Our Help Center is laid out in the exact same order as our APP. Making it easy to navigate and quickly find what you are looking for.

If you are within a Campaign inside our App. and you want to know about a specific feature, the layout is replicated throughout our help center.

In addition, any Tool header found throughout the App, if clicked, will initiate our Support tool to pop up with direct information relating to that tool. If applicable, it will have links to additional Tutorials.

Our Support Tool can always be found within our App as well as within our Help Center.

You will find our current response time, as well as operation hours. We strive to provide quality support, quick replies, and a genuine understanding not only of your issue but also the desire to get! 💌

An AEvent Campaign and How It Works

Tons of work goes into putting on a Live Event. Whether that is Online or Offline. From the first invites to the final thank you, that full production is an exhausting experience.

Then to think about doing that on a Monthly, Weekly, or Daily basis, becomes unimaginable.

AEvent strives to remove 100% of the tasks and effort it takes to hold your online Event, Webinar, Workshop, Mastermind, Challenge, or Meeting.

We're also in it to help you maximize your results from your VSL / Sales Page based traffic with AConversion!

An AEvent Campaign defines every single thing that occurs with your Online Event. From Registration First-Contact to Final Call. It IS the template of your Event and everything that occurs before, during, and after.

With our Timeline tool, you can get both a Micro and a Macro view of your Online Event. From the macro of a month to the micro of a day. With a 7-day week-view in between.

An AEvent Campaign operates in a way where it can be built to be a One-Time Single-Use Event, or the opposite of that, an Evergreen Campaign. Our Campaign Technology operates seamlessly between different Delivery Platforms, so you never need to feel stuck and locked into a single solution.

Timeline Action Builder

Within your AEvent Campaign, the core tool is our Action Builder. Every "Action" that occurs with your Event is scheduled using it.

That could be from an SMS sent to the Registrant reminding them of their upcoming Event, or it could be an Action to send all Cart Abandoners to Google Sheets.

Everything is defined here, let's go over the action builder and its elements.

Action Execution Time 'When'

If using an Evergreen Campaign Type, you can select the day on which you want to create the action within any of our views. The top of the Action Builder displays the day selected.

If using a Live Campaign Type, the Day selection will display the time/day on which the action will occur.

When defining the Time that the action is to occur, you can select either Relative Time or Exact Time.

Relative time, is in relation to the time of day that the event is scheduled for. (5 Hours)

Exact time, is set for an exact time of day. (5 PM)

As a best practice, we recommend using the exact time outside the day of the event and the relative time on the day of the event's actions. This will enable you to schedule your event at different times of the day. An Action that is set for 4 hours before, will always occur 4 hours before, whether the Event is occurring at 12pm or 8pm!

Audience Targeting 'Who'

When selecting the audience you are targeting, if you are setting your action to occur BEFORE your event, you will only have the Audience selection of 'Registrants' (or any other custom audience that doesn't include Attendee data). If you are setting your action to occur AFTER your event, you can target Attendees and Non-Attendees (and any other custom audience you've created).

Integration Selection 'What'

The final selection within the Action Builder is the most important. This is where you will select the Integration details for the action you are creating!

Before you can select your Integration within the Action Builder, please make sure you've activated it within the Campaign!

Requirements & Recommendations Regarding Tools & Integrations

Minimum Integration Requirements:

To get started with the AEvent streaming platform, you will need the following minimum requirements:

Enhanced Integration Options:

While the minimum requirements suffice, we recommend using additional tools for better results. Consider integrating the following:

  • Zoom: A popular video conferencing platform that seamlessly integrates with AEvent recreating the truest Like-Live experience.

  • Twilio: A communication platform that allows you to send SMS and MMS Messages.

  • Email and CRM: Combine the power of email marketing and customer relationship management to streamline your event communications and attendee management.

Nice-to-Have Integrations:

For an extra boost, you can consider integrating the following tools:

  • NiftyImages: Enhance your emails and outbound messages with dynamic and personalized images, helping enrich the Registrant's Experience.

  • Slybroadcast: Leverage Ringless-VoiceMail to magically send your Registrants Voicemail Drop Reminders!

  • ManyChat: Implement a FB Messenger or WhatsApp to send automated messaging flows based upon behaviors.

Recommended Minimum Assets:

  • Event Title and Brief Description

    • This is used within the Delivery Platform.

  • 3-5 Presentation slides (ones that would create FOMO with)

  • A photo of yourself in front of or holding a whiteboard

  • A Photo of the presenter

  • 30 sec voice message from you to use as a Voice Mail drop with Slybroadcast.

    • You can have one to go just before your event starts.

    • Or one after thanking them

    • Or one targeting your cart abandoners, speaking directly to them.

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