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Wanting to work with an integration we don't support Natively?

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Written by AEvent
Updated yesterday

New leads generated for your Event can be sent via API to your Zapier account. Either at the time of registration or at any point during your Campaign, targeting and pinpointing your audience and sending their data to Zapier.

Utilize our Native Zapier App integration to connect with another 6,000+ Services!

Timeline Actions:

Adding your Zapier Account to AEvent

In order to add your Zapier Integration, you will first need to navigate to Integrations within AEvent, click Add Integration, and then search / select Zapier.

Then, name your integration as you see fit and click 'Add.'

A pop-up will appear, providing a Special link to Zapier, along with a unique Key.

Copy your unique key from the AEvent popup, then click the link and paste the key provided by AEvent into the secondary Zapier Popup.

(If you are not already logged into Zapier, you may need to log in and then click through the link again).

Once you paste your Key into the Zapier Popup, MAKE SURE you click Continue ON the AEvent Popup, THEN click on Yes, Continue to AEvent (on the Zapier Popup).

Once your Zapier account has been successfully added, you will see its connected state, and you will be able to click on 'Test.'

A successful connection will yield a positive test result. Congratulations, your Zapier account is now successfully connected to AEvent!

Creating and Configuring a Zap to work with an AEvent Campaign

In order to utilize your Zapier Integration within AEvent, you first need to create a new Zapier flow that uses AEvent as the Trigger.

First, log in to your Zapier account, click on +Create Zap, then under Trigger, Search for, and select AEvent.

Next, under Event, Select New Event Registration and click Continue.

Now, you need to define a Label/Trigger. (This will be used later in the tutorial, back inside AEvent.)

Label this in order to identify which AEvent Trigger will invoke this Zap. (If your campaign is named ABC Campaign, name this ABC Campaign Trigger A, et).

After making your entry and clicking on Continue, we need to test the trigger.

Once we click on Test Trigger, we are presented with a list of past registrants. Select one and click on Continue.

Zapier will now prompt you to create an action, as the Trigger portion of this Zap is now complete.

Select the Integration and Action within your Zapier account that you want to pass the Registration data to.

Based on what you are doing with your Zap, you have access to all the fields displayed below:

Once you've created, at minimum, a single action within your Zap, you can then Publish (Publishing your Zap is imperative to activate it within your AEvent Campaign. IF YOU DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR ZAP FLOW, the trigger will not be available for use within AEvent.)

Once Published, and you see the green 'On' symbol, as shown above, head back inside the AEvent App. Now, you need to activate your Zapier Integration within the campaign you are working with.

To do this, open the campaign you are working on.

Then, select Integrations, set your Zapier Integration as Active, and click on the cogwheel to define your on-registration settings.

If you want AEvent to send Registrant Data On-Registration, then enable the checkbox and select the Trigger you made in the Zap creation process. If the newly made trigger isn't listed, click Refresh, then select. If still not present, please scroll up and ensure your Zap has been successfully published.

If you do NOT want to send Registrant data at the time of Registration, you would simply NOT check this, and you would be able to use this trigger with a Timeline Action. (Tutorial Below)

If you DO use this trigger for On-Registration, but you also wish to send data to Zapier using Timeline Actions, simply create another Zap, select your AEvent Integration, and create a new trigger. Back inside AEvent, use Refresh to pull in that additional trigger for use.

Within the Integration Settings, we can select to either initiate a call to this Zap on-registration OR, if left unchecked, we can use this Zap within a Timeline Action.

Creating a Timeline Action to Initiate a Zap

Setting up a timeline action to initiate a Zap is similar to the steps taken in the tutorial above. First, we need to create a new Zap within Zapier, and then we need to create a new AEvent Trigger.

Click on +Create Zap, then under Trigger, Search for and select AEvent.

Next, under Event, Select New Event Registration and click Continue.

Now, you need to define a Label/Trigger. (This will be used later in the tutorial, back inside AEvent.)

Label this in order to identify which AEvent Trigger will invoke this Zap. (If your campaign is named ABC Campaign, name this ABC CampaignTrigger A, et).

After making your entry and clicking on Continue, we need to test the trigger.

Once we click on Test Trigger, we are presented with a list of past registrants. Select one, and click on Continue.

Zapier will now prompt you to create an action, as the Trigger portion of this Zap is now complete.

Select the Integration and Action within your Zapier account that you want to pass the Registration data to.

Based on what you are doing with your Zap, you have access to all the fields displayed below:

Once you've created, at minimum, a single action within your Zap, you can then Publish (Publishing your Zap is imperative to activate it within your AEvent Campaign).

Once Published, and you see the Green On symbol, as shown above, head back inside the AEvent App. If your Zapier Integration is already activated on your campaign, you can process to the Timeline Builder and create the action. (If not, you'll need to activate your Zapier Integration in Campaigns ➜ Integrations)

Within the Timeline builder, start by creating an action selecting the date and time that you wish the action to occur. Select the audience you are targeting, then select your Zapier Integration, Send Trigger Data, and select the Trigger ID you created when making the new Zap.

Once you've selected the Trigger ID / Zap you want to send data to with this action, just click on Create.

Your Send Trigger Data Timeline Action has now been created, and you can view it on your timeline. Per the example above, at 9 AM the day after your Event, an action will occur that will send all the registrant data matching the audience you selected to your Zapier Zap.

How to reconnect your Zapier Integration

If you are encountering issues with your Zapier integration, it is possible that the API key issued from Zapier has been reset or changed. If you click 'Test' and it is NOT successful, the first step we recommend is reconnecting your integration.

A pop-up will appear, providing a Special link to Zapier, along with a unique Key.

Copy your unique key from the AEvent popup, then click the link and paste the key provided by AEvent into the secondary Zapier Popup.

(If you are not already logged into Zapier, you may need to log in and then click through the link again).

Once you paste your Key into the Zapier Popup, MAKE SURE you click Continue ON the AEvent Popup, THEN click on Yes, Continue to AEvent (on the Zapier Popup).

Once your Zapier account has been successfully added, you will see its Connected state, and you will be able to click on 'Test.'

A successful connection will yield a positive test result. Congratulations, your Keap account is now successfully Re-connected to AEvent!

How to remove your Zapier Integration from AEvent

If you want to remove your Zapier integration from AEvent, you need to navigate to Integrations, locate your Zapier integration, and click on the trashcan icon.

You will then be prompted to confirm deletion.

(NOTE: Removing this integration will immediately affect its use with any campaigns that it is active in.)

If you are experiencing issues with this integration but do not desire to REMOVE it, we recommend reconnecting it instead. This will allow its configuration to

continue as set within your campaigns.

Once you confirm removal, the integration within AEvent no longer exists.

🆘 Troubleshooting: 🆘

If you have any problems with your integration, the first thing to do is press the "Test" button on the Integration. This will confirm if the connection to Zapier is valid.

Every time a Zap is edited, it needs to be turned off and back on in Zapier's interface. This is the only way to update the webhook in AEvent.

If you continue to have problems,

you can try reconnecting the integration or reach out to our Support Team!

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