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Viewing a Past Event Details

Looking for the detailed results of your Past Event?

AEvent avatar
Written by AEvent
Updated over 10 months ago

You can view your past event details, either individually or over a span of time. Looking at Attendance, engagement, a histogram of the actual event, download a list of Attendees, etc.

To view the details of an individual past event, navigate to Home and click on Past.

You can review the total registrants for the Event, Phone numbers submitted with Registration, Total Attendees / Non Attendees, Attendance % AND based upon the Delivery Platform that was used, you can review the Average Interest Rating & Attentiveness.

We also provide a full breakdown of Timeline Actions sent and the count of that in a Timeline sorted bar graph.

Curious about your Events 'fall off' rate? We have a histogram providing your actual attendance numbers per each 10 minute interval.

Looking to download your Attendance Report? Curious about what questions were asked? You can download a CSV Attendance report by clicking on Download Attendance Report in the upper right-hand corner.

Check out this tutorial for uploading a CSV to Google Sheets to view.

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