Utilizing our Analytics to view the progress of your Timeline over a defined timespan is just a few clicks away. Total Registrant Counts per Event, Attendance %, and Attendance Time are presented in an easy-to-read graph.
Each audience type is listed along with the exact count pertaining to each set.
βDo keep in mind that if you are viewing analytics of a Timeline that involves more than 1 Event, that will affect the overall values and attendance percentage being viewed.
You can download a CSV of the Entire Audience set pertaining to the timeframe you have defined, along with the Timeline you have selected. To download your CSV, click on the Download CSV button at the top of the window.
You can also download a CSV of all the Live Chat that occurred during the span of these Events by clicking on Download Chat.
If you need a tool to read a CSV File, Google Sheets works great! Click HERE for a short tutorial showing you how to do it.