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Integrate LeadPages Pagebuilder with AEvent

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Written by AEvent
Updated over 7 months ago

AEvent seamlessly integrates with your LeadPages pages, allowing you to connect your Registration Page, Confirmation Page, and Replay Page at a code level.

Don't be intimidated by the term "code" – we've made it easy! This means we ensure your campaigns maintain their desired appearance and functionality.

In the following sub-tutorials, we'll walk you through every step of the setup and integration process. This way, you can confidently use your AEvent-integrated LeadPages pages and ensure they match your exact preferences.

Page Builder:

Registration Page Tutorials:

Integrate AEvent With LeadPages Registration Page

In AEvent you have the use of Codes and Scripts, with Countdown Timer elements, and other Dynamic Page Elements to use on your LeadPages pages.

To use the features of AEvent you will need header scripts set up with LeadPages.

In AEvent

Go into AEvent and to the Timeline you are using, the following process is the same for all three pages. The only difference is the page you attach.

  • In the setting to the left you want to select Code

  • Make sure you are on the Page Tab you want to use

You will see all Codes and Dynamic Elements you can use on your LeadPages Pages.

  • For this step just find and Copy the Header Script from here and then go to your LeadPages Dashboard

In LeadPages

You can add code to the whole site or to the individual pages. We want to use the individual pages. We have Dynamic Page Elements you can use that relies on the Header Script at the page level to function properly.

Go to the the Registration Page you want to add the Header script to

  • Go to Settings

  • Go to Page Settings

  • Head Section Tracking Code

  • Add the Header Script to the Box

That's it. You are ready to use all the options AEvent offers for you to use on your Registration page.

Integrate AEvent Form Code With LeadPages Registration Page

You will need to reach out to support for your custom code for the form to use on your LeadPages Registration Page.

  • You can email Support at [email protected] or you can use the support bubble in the lower left of your AEvent Dashboard to start a chat.

  • In LeadPages you will need to have a HTML Code Element on your page that you can paste in the custom code you got from Support to create the form.

Once you drag the element onto the desired section of the page, the form code you received from Aevent will be pasted here.

This is an example of the form on a colored background on the page - other than the button, the form comes transparent so it can be put anywhere.

Using AEvent's Dynamic Page Elements With Your Registration Page

Now as long as you have the Header Script set up you can also use the Dynamic Page Elements at the bottom of the Code Settings of the Registration Tab

  • All you need to do is click on the element you want to use

  • It will automatically be copied to your clipboard

  • Then you can paste them on your page

  • Like the Countdown timer, you need the Timeline Scheduled to see the Dynamic Page Elements you used

Creating a Multi-Option Dropdown Menu On Your Registration Page

How to implement a multi-option dropdown menu in LeadPages for your registration page.

This feature allows you to provide users with a selection of options, such as different event times, making it easier for them to choose their preferred time slot. By following these steps, you can enhance the user experience and increase registration options for your events.

Step 1: Enabling Multi-Option Dropdown Menu

In AEvent:

  • Within your timeline click on the "Registration" option.

  • In the "Setup Type" box click on "Edit".

  • In that popup select "Multi-Option Dropdown Menu" setting.

  • After selecting the Multi-Option Dropdown Menu, click on "Update" to apply the changes.

Step 2: Adding the Dropdown Menu

In LeadPages:

You will need to reach out to support for your custom code for the form to use on your LeadPages Registration Page.

  • You can email Support at [email protected] or you can use the support bubble in the lower left of your AEvent Dashboard to start a chat.

  • In LeadPages, you will need to have a HTML Code Element on your page that you can paste in the custom code you got from Support to create the form.

Once you drag the element onto the desired section of the page, the form code you received from Aevent will be pasted here.

Your form will look something like this:

Previewing the Registration Page

Click on "Preview" to see the changes made to your registration page.

Verify that the dropdown menu displays the scheduled webinar options. Users can now select their preferred event time, fill in their details, and complete the registration process smoothly.

By providing users with a selection of event times, you've improved the registration experience and made it more convenient for attendees to choose their desired time slot.

This engaging feature will help increase registration rates for your events and provide a seamless registration process.

Creating A Multi-Session Layout For Your LeadPages Registration Page ******COMING SOON

Confirmation Page Tutorials:

Integrate AEvent with Your LeadPages Confirmation Page

In AEvent:

Go into AEvent and to the Timeline you are using, the following process is the same for all three pages. The only difference is the page you attach.

  • In the setting to the left you want to select Code

  • Make sure you are on the Page Tab you want to use

You will see all Codes and Dynamic Elements you can use on your LeadPages Pages.

  • For this step just find and Copy the Header Script from here and then go to your LeadPages Dashboard

In LeadPages

You can add code to the whole site or to the individual pages. We want to use the individual pages. We have Dynamic Page Elements you can use that relies on the Header Script at the page level to function properly.

Go to the the Confirmation Page you want to add the Header script to

  • Go to Settings

  • Go to Page Settings

  • Head Section Tracking Codes

  • Add the Header Script to the Box

That is it. You are ready to use all the options AEvent offers for you to use on your Confirmation Page

Using AEvent's Dynamic Page Elements With Your Confirmation Page

Now as long as you have the Header Script set up you can also use the Dynamic Page Elements at the bottom of the Code Settings of the Confirmation Page

This allows you to add the registrants name and more to the page.

  • All you need to do is click on the element you want to use

  • It will automatically be copied to your clipboard

  • Then you can paste them on your page

  • You can put the first name of the registrant

  • Like the Countdown timer you need the Timeline Scheduled to see the Dynamic Page Elements you used

Integrate AEvent 'Add To Calendar' Integration Into Your LeadPages Page

If you have added the Add To Calendar Integration to the timeline then you will see a code section to edit and retrieve the code, and this is only seen in the Confirmation Tab of the Code Settings. This element is not available for any other page.

  • You can choose from some of the images and when you are set you can click the Copy on the right of the section

  • Add an HTML element and place it on the page wherever you desire it to be

  • Paste the Code from AEvent into LeadPages where the Calendar is going

  • Like the other elements we added, for it to work you will need to have a Timeline scheduled for the calendar selection to work

💪 Advanced Level

You can add any image you want for your Calendar

by changing this code once pasted in LeadPages.

If you change out the "img src" section in the screenshot above with your own image, you can use any icon of your choice.

This was integrating AEvent with the Confirmation Page using the page builder LeadPages.

Setup a Personalized Join Link Messages On LeadPages Confirmation Page

Adding Personalized Join Link Messages

You can also provide your registrants with a join link on the confirmation page.

First, head over to Aevent and locate the Code section and make sure you're on the Confirmation tab.

On this page, locate the Dynamic Page Elements and click on {{!joinurl}} to copy.

Now, we'll return to our LeadPages page to paste the code.

To display the link you will need to use the hyperlink option.

Now we just paste in the code we copied from Aevent.

That's it!

NOTE: Shortcodes:

How the URL will look when clicked:

If you use the {{!platformurl}}

How the URL will look when clicked:

Replay Page & Additional Tutorials:

Integrate AEvent with Your LeadPages Replay Page

In AEvent you have the use of Codes and Scripts, with Countdown Timer elements, and other Dynamic Page Elements to use on your LeadPages pages.

To use the features of AEvent you will need header scripts set up with LeadPages.

You need to have the Replay Page already built and at least in Draft status

In AEvent

Go into AEvent and to the Timeline you are using, the following process is the same for all three pages. The only difference is the page you attach.

  • In the setting to the left you want to select Code

  • Make sure you are on the Page Tab you want to use

You will see all Codes and Dynamic Elements you can use on your LeadPages Pages.

  • For this step just find and Copy the Header Script from here and then go to your LeadPages Dashboard.

In LeadPages

You will need to connect the Code to the page you want the AEvent Script on and you cannot do this until you have the pages at least in a draft state.

  • Go to Settings

  • Go to Page Settings

  • Head Section Tracking Code

  • Add the Header Script to the Box

Select Save when done.

Now you are able to use the Codes and Scripts, with Countdown Timer elements, and other Dynamic Page Elements that is offered in AEvent on your LeadPages Pages.

Using AEvent's Dynamic Page Elements With Your Replay Page

Now as long as you have the Header Script set up you can also use the Dynamic Page Elements at the bottom of the Code Settings of the Replay Page.

This allows you to add the registrants name to the page and provide a Join link as well

  • Like the Countdown timer you have to have the Timeline Scheduled to see the Dynamic Page Elements you used.

⚠️ IMPORANT: Secure Access with Self-Expiring Pages ⚠️

When the Header Script is in place and the timeline is set to active, accessing the replay page without proper credentials is restricted.

The credentials usually consist of a registration link or replay link that is valid for a specific time. These self-expiring links ensure that unauthorized users are locked out after the designated time period.

NOTE: To test the functionality, it is a requirement your link has either a Webinar ID or Registrant ID as shown below:


If you want to make the replay page accessible without time restrictions, you can set the timeline to inactive. However, keep in mind that once the timeline is inactive, anyone can access the content.

The self-expiring feature is designed to create a sense of urgency and offer true automation for your pages.

Add AEvent's Countdown Timer On Your LeadPages Registration, Confirmation, and Replay Pages

By doing so, you'll be able to display the countdown timer you designed in AEvent on your LeadPages pages, synchronizing it with the date of your event.

This will create a sense of urgency and excitement among your audience, boosting attendance and engagement.

Adding A Countdown Timer

You have the option to add in a Countdown Timer to your Registration Page, Confirmation Page, and your Replay Page.

In AEvent you will need to go back to the Code Settings. Here is where you can customize your timer to use on the Page you want to add the time to.

  • To customize the timer click the Cog Wheel and the Settings will one on the right that will allow you to edit the Timer how you want to and Click Update when you are done

  • To the right of the Countdown Settings you can copy the HTML Code, you will need this code to add to your Registration Page

In Leadpages

As you are editing your Landing Page you will want to add in a HTML Widget to where you want to have your Countdown Timer.

  • Once you have a spot for the timer search for the HTML under Widgets in Leadpages.

  • The Code window opens and here is where you can Paste the Countdown Timer code you copied from AEvent

That is it! This is how you add the timer to your pages. It is the same process for each page.


To see the Countdown Timer

You need to schedule the timeline you are working on and then
you need to preview the page once it is scheduled

This will create a sense of urgency and excitement among your audience, encouraging them to take action and participate in your event.

Get the TRUE URL of your LeadPages Page

How to obtain the correct URL, you can ensure that the confirmation page and replay page in AEvent are linked to the appropriate LeadPages pages. This step is crucial for seamless integration between LeadPages and AEvent.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to accurately locate and retrieve the true URL of your LeadPages page, ensuring proper integration with AEvent.

Step 1: Open the page In LeadPages

  • In this example we'll find the Page URL. This process is the same for all pages. Follow the same steps.

Step 2: Use the True Location in AEvent

Copy the URL.

  • Navigate to AEvent and access the Timeline Settings for the confirmation page or replay page.

  • Now go to the Advanced Settings.

  • Click on "Add Page URLs"

Here's where you add the URLs you're using i.e. Confirmation Page.

  • Click the "Update" Button.

  • And you can now see the URL displayed on your dashboard.

Step 3: Save and Test

Once you have replaced the URL with the true location, save the changes in AEvent. Now double-check that the correct URL is now being used for the confirmation page or replay page.

  • To do that schedule the event register for it and see if you get taken to the Confirmation page.

Congratulations! You learned how to locate and retrieve the true URL of your LeadPages page. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can ensure that AEvent accurately integrates with LeadPages, linking the confirmation page and replay page to the correct locations.

This will provide a seamless experience for your event attendees.

Remember to always use the true URL obtained through this process, as it represents the actual location of your LeadPages page.

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